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A taxi stand

Price list

These are the final prices, including VAT, regardless of the number of people. One car can take up to 4 passengers.
We are the VAT registered subject.
If you wish to pay by credit card, there is a 6 % extra charge.
When you order a car, you DO NOT PAY the return journey of the empty car. So if you order a transfer from Prague to Brno, you really pay only 2900 CZK.

Transfers within Prague

Airport Prague - Prague 6
(such as Dejvice, Bubenec, Repy
Hanspaulka, Orechovka, Strahov ets.)

450 CZK

Airport Prague - the rest of Prague
(all other places of Prague,
such as the centre, Kobylisy, Haje, Cerný Most, Klanovice,
Zbraslav and all others)

550 CZK

Transfers outside Prague - fixed prices
Airport Prague - Brno2900 CZK
Airport Prague - Ostrava4700 CZK
Airport Prague - Liberec1800 CZK
Airport Prague - Ceské Budějovice  2200 CZK
Airport Prague - Ustí nad Labem1600 CZK
Airport Prague - Plzen1500 CZK
Airport Prague - Karlovy Vary2000 CZK
Airport Prague - Hradec Králové2100 CZK
Airport Prague - Pardubice2100 CZK
Airport Prague - Jihlava2100 CZK
Airport Prague - Olomouc3800 CZK
Airport Prague - Zlín3800 CZK

Transfers outside Prague - maximum prices
Airport Prague - Středočeský kraj1400 CZK
Airport Prague - Ústecký kraj1900 CZK
Airport Prague - Plzeňský kraj1900 CZK
Airport Prague - Karlovarský kraj2400 CZK
Airport Prague - Jihočeský kraj2500 CZK
Airport Prague - Kraj Vysočina2500 CZK
Airport Prague - Pardubický kraj2500 CZK
Airport Prague - Královéhradecký kraj  2500 CZK
Airport Prague - Liberecký kraj2100 CZK
Airport Prague - Jihomoravský kraj3200 CZK
Airport Prague - Olomoucký kraj4100 CZK
Airport Prague - Zlínský kraj4100 CZK
Airport Prague - Moravskoslezský kraj  4900 CZK
© 2005 - 2008 Ales Pekarek. All rights reserved.
Services offered by:
V.P.Druzstvo, Bellusova 1864, Praha 5, ICO: 27072878
Last updated 23.10.2009
Pageviews from 4th June 2005:  přístupů


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